Why rob a store just one time, when you can get more robbing it twice? Florida Man decided to rob the same exact Dollar General twice in two consecutive days.
According to Fox35 Orlando, Matthew Pringle was arrested and charged with two counts of robbery, resisting an officer without violence, and hindering, delaying or preventing the communication to a law enforcement officer of a crime in-progress
Marion County deputies responded to a call on Sunday after Pringle allegedly took cash from the register then fled on foot. Although deputies say Pringle on the way to the call but Florida Man was able to escape capture.
In turns out an employee recognized Pringle because he had been robbed by him 2 years earlier.
“We’re not going to do this again,” the employee said.
“Yes we are,” Florida Man said.
It’s estimated Pringle made away with $327 that day. But that must not have been enough because he decided to try again at the same location the next day. So he didn’t just rob the same Dollar General twice in 2 days. This was actually his third time overall.
This time an employee recognized him as the man that robbed the store the day before. The employee tried to call police but Pringle “jumped him, took the phone from his hand and took him to the ground”. He then grabbed cash from the register and ran out.
Deputies eventually caught up with him about a quarter mile away and were able to make the arrest. Pringle eventually refused to speak with investigators. But before he did, he gave a reason for his latest robberies.
Pringle said he was “hearing voices that were directing him to conduct the robberies.